Education Fellows Program Application Instructions

*The call for applications for fall 2024 is now open. The deadline to apply is September 1, 2024*

Evaluation criteria:

  1. Applicants should clearly define their proposed area of research relative to Ikeda/Soka studies in education, specify the central question or topic to be investigated, review the relevant primary and secondary literature, and present a method and design for completing the study within the award period.
  2. Applicants should describe the project’s potential for enhancing scholarship in Ikeda/Soka studies in education and/or for improving educational practice based on it.
  3. Applicants should demonstrate potential for research excellence in the field of education and for future contributions to the development of educational theory and practice.

Interested applicants must submit the following materials:

  1. Curriculum vitae.
  2. Dissertation abstract. The dissertation abstract should summarize the project in terms of its anticipated scope, questions, research methodology, and contributions to the field. The abstract should be double-spaced and no more than 200 words.
  3. Dissertation prospectus. The prospectus should be formatted according to APA 7th edition or Chicago Manual guidelines. In no more than ten pages (double-spaced and excluding references) please provide the following: 1) Description of the question(s) or topic to be explored in your dissertation, including an explanation of how your question or topic relates to and furthers the field of Ikeda/Soka studies in education; 2) Critical review of the relevant conceptual and empirical, primary and secondary scholarship in this field and others included in the proposed research; 3) Explanation of and rationale for the proposed research design and methodology, including references to applicable research design literature. 
  4. Timeline. Please include a proposed timeline for completion of your dissertation. You should provide a start and end date as well as dates when you expect to complete each phase of your dissertation (i.e. completion of data analysis, completion of individual chapters, and dissertation to committee).
  5. Personal statement. Please describe your career goals and aspirations in no more than 1,000 words.
  6. Writing sample. Please submit an example of published scholarly work, if any, or a writing sample of no more than 6,000 words from your academic work. (May be single-spaced.)
  7. Two letters of recommendation. Two letters of recommendation from faculty that speak to your promise and ability as a scholar are required. One letter should be from your dissertation director/chair. This letter should assess the contribution your dissertation will make to the field of educational philosophy and practice as well as comment on the expected timeline. The other letter should be from a professor familiar with your academic work. Letters from faculty must be sent directly to the Ikeda Center and must be received on or before September 1 in order to be included in the review process of the application.
    *We strongly encourage you to discuss with recommenders the deadline and principal issues the letter should address. Please request your letters early to allow recommenders sufficient time to meet the application deadline. Because the applicant review process adheres to a strict timeline, we cannot guarantee that late letters will be included in the review process.
  8. Graduate transcript. Please send an official copy of your graduate transcript.

Please note:

  1. All materials must be submitted in electronic form (link to submissions page below).
  2. All materials, except for the writing sample, CV, and reference letters, must be double-spaced.
  3. All materials should be in English.
  4. Late materials will not be accepted.
  5. Once your application is submitted, the Ikeda Center will contact you by email to acknowledge receipt.
  6. After the submission deadline, as a part of the application process, it is possible that we may request additional material from applicants in order to make a more informed decision. This may include a statement that expands on one aspect of your application (such as personal statement or dissertation prospectus), or a follow up Zoom interview. We will be sure to give you advance notice about the timing of any additional request. 
  7. Questions regarding the application process may be sent to

Submit your application here