Episode 17

Celebrating the Ikeda Center’s 30th Anniversary w/ Executive Director Kevin Maher

Welcome back to another year of the Dialogue Studio! On September 24, 1993, Buddhist philosopher, peacebuilder, and educator Daisaku Ikeda gave a lecture at Harvard University titled “Mahayana Buddhism and Twenty-first Century Civilization.” On the same day, he established our Center as a tangible commitment to the spirit behind his talk. In celebration of our 30th anniversary, we will be unpacking themes from this lecture throughout the year in the Dialogue Studio. 

In this episode, host Lillian I speaks with Ikeda Center Executive Director Kevin Maher about the significance of the Center’s 30th anniversary, how the themes from Mr. Ikeda’s 1993 Harvard lecture have informed the mission and work of the Center over the years, as well as Kevin’s vision for the future of the Center.

Email podcast@ikedacenter.org if you have any questions or dialogue stories to share with us.

Music attribution: Podcast Music